Achievement lies in detail. Adhering to this motto, our engineering team continue working ceaselessly on the further development of our future-oriented technologies created by them, since they are fully aware of the fact, that innovation requires perpetual research and thinking ahead. At the same time, they achieve maximum performances and commit their technological background knowledge in the service of mankind with an approach that respects nature and life.
BORPOWER EU GROUP started his research and development activities with internationally recognized, experienced scientists and specialists from the fields of physics, chemistry and materials research. After a period of intensive research and application tests, based on the knowledge and findings gathered together, the first market-ready applications (including the product line BORPower®) were developed, produced and distributed with the consciousness, that in the world of atoms the unbelievable is possible, BORPOWER EU GROUP has achieved notable achievement in the field of nanotechnology.
The missions of our scientists, that seemed unbelievable just a few years ago, are reality today. That motivates us all the more to more intensive pure research, since nanotechnology is still at the beginning of its development process. Principally all systems can be matched with the correlating structure size in Nanotechnology, as for instance, the efficiency of our product line BORPower® shows.